Orange County Mayor Imposes Curfew From 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. Until Further Notice
Earlier this afternoon, Orange County Mayor Jerry L. Demings imposed the following temporary emergency restriction, effective immediately, by the terms of this Emergency Executive Order:

A curfew is hereby established within the following areas effective immediately:
- All pedestrian and vehicular movement, standing and parking, except for individuals commuting to and from places of employment, the provision of fire, police, emergency and hospital services, medical patients utility repairs, state and local government employees providing services, and emergency calls by physicians within the above curfew area, are prohibited during curfew hours.
- Curfew hours during which such movement is prohibited shall be each day from 10:00 P.M. until 5:00 A.M., commencing on Sunday, May 31, 2020 until terminated by executive order.
- Any and all persons abroad on the streets and sidewalks within any curfew area during the curfew period and not engaged in the provision of the above mentioned services shall be subject to arrest as provided in Section 901. 15(1), Florida Statutes.
- Anyone who violates any prohibition, restriction or regulation made herein unless language to the contrary appears herein, shall upon conviction be punished according to law and shall be subject to a fine not exceeding the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500. 00) or imprisonment in the County jail for a period not exceeding sixty (60) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
- Any variance or exception to the prohibitions and/or restrictions set forth in Section 1 shall be valid only when stated in a writing signed by me or under my authority.
- Jerry L. Demings. Orange County Mayor, as Director of Emergency Management
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