Universal Studios Update: New Fast & Furious Facade Details

Work on the new Fast & Furious: Supercharged attraction continues at Universal Studios Florida. In the past few weeks, quite a few details started to show up on the facade that will serve as the entrance of the ride, including the "marquee" (it looks like the attraction's name will just be painted on the building itself) that Guests will see while walking up to the courtyard located in front of the attraction. This photo-report will focus on this construction project while also showing other areas.

Our first stop will be Production Central:

The new Fast & Furious building can be seen from the New York City area of the park:

Fast & Furious: Supercharged will have one of the largest showbuilding in the park:

Notice how the attraction's name is slowly appearing on the facade:

The courtyard in front of the attraction's entrance is being refurbished:

Work is also being done around the former entrance of Disaster:

Let's check out other areas of the park:

As we reported last week, Kang & Kodos' Twirl 'n' Hurl now features an Express line:

The fire hydrant is back:

It's time to say goodbye...

PHOTOS: Alex, Official Orlando Theme Park News Team Member and Photographer.
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