SeaWorld Orlando Update: The Sky Tower is Back (PART 1)

Just a few days ago, SeaWorld Orlando announced that a brand-new rapids ride will officially open in the park next year. Even though we are more than a year away from the opening of Infinity Falls, there's still a lot to see around the park, including the new Dolphin Nursery (which is still under construction at this time), a refurbished Journey to Atlantis, and plenty of new details and small additions that help in creating an even more pleasant Guest experience. Join us and take a virtual stroll around the park.
First of all, all of the turnstiles were recently removed as the park now utilizes a new (and much, MUCH better) system to admit Guests. Team Members now simply scan tickets and check if the photos on their device matches the person in front of them. If the ticket is being scanned for the first time, the Team Member simply takes a quick photo of the person that is then stored in the system:

With this new system in place, lines seem to be shorter than ever. Also, gone are the unreliable, germ-filled finger scanners that always create long lines in other theme parks. Good job, SeaWorld Orlando:

Let's explore the Port of Entry:

The secondary entrance is still not being used on a regular basis:

Our first stop will be the Dolphin Nursery:

The refurbished nursery will reopen this summer:

The Waterfront:

Guy Harvey has a store in this area of the park. Don't forget to check it out:
A few more photos of the Waterfront:

After being closed for months, the Sky Tower has finally reopened to all Guests:

Here you are some panoramic photos of the park:

Take a look at the Dolphin Nursery from above:

The former photo pick-up location at the exit of the attraction seems to be gone:

New signs are being installed around the park:

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