Updated Animal Kingdom Park Map Now Available
Starting from today, updated Animal Kingdom park maps were made available to Guests visiting the park. As always, the overall look of the map has been left completely unchanged, even though we spotted some minor differences when examining the pathways and the depiction of certain areas of the park.
As you'll see, the new walkway connecting the entrance of Kali River Rapids to the Expedition Everest area has been added. But that's just one of the changes.
FRONT (full-size):
BACK (full-size):
As you can see, the expanded hub is now featured on the map. A small pond was removed:
The modified planters near the Flame Tree Barbecue:
As expected the new Africa Marketplace is still not on the map. It could be added soon, though:
Here's a close look at the new pathway in Asia (notice also that the FP+ kiosk has moved):

And that is all for now. Thank you for reading, and see you again real soon with more news.
PARK MAP: ©2015 Disney. All Rights Reserved.
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