Universal Studios Update: KidZone Still Open (PART 2)
Welcome to PART 2 of our newest Universal Studios Florida photo-report. Click here to go back to PART 1 of this update.
In part 1, we checked out the entrance of the park, Hollywood, Production Central (which needs some help), New York, Sn Francisco, and the London waterfront. Let's now continue to enjoy our tour of the park by moving on to World Expo, Springfield, and - of course - the KidZone:
The Coke Freestyle machines located near World Expo are now surrounded by a themed shelter:

One of our favorites:


One of our favorites:
Remember that Kang & Kodos' Twirl 'n' Hurl closes earlier when the nighttime show takes place:

The vegetation around the extended queue for The Simpsons Ride has really grown since last year...

A friendly cop is missing in here:
The vegetation around the extended queue for The Simpsons Ride has really grown since last year...
A friendly cop is missing in here:
Nearby, we noticed that paint on the area's restroom may have been affected by the elements:
Let's take a quick look around the KidZone which should be closing sooner than later:
The stand-by and Express signs of the E.T. Adventure (which should remain) are being refurbished:
Also, the attractions still doesn't use the "Interplanetary Passports":
They should be coming back next year according to some sources:
Minor work being done around the Curious George Goes to Town play area:
Well, I guess this is...
And that is all for now. Thank you for your support, and see you again real soon!
Are the going to close the ET ride? I know some people may think this ride is boring but I love the film, the ride, everything about ET!! Whenever I come to Orlando, this is one of the first rides we head towards! Love it!!!