Islands of Adventure Update: King Kong Progress (PART 4)

Welcome to PART 4 of our newest Islands of Adventure photo-report, Orlando Theme Park News Readers! PART 3 can be found by clicking here.

In part 3, we finished our walking tour of Jurassic Park. After doing so, we checked out the work being done on the new secondary entrance of the park, the train station, and the Court of Miracles. Let us move on and enjoy the rest of the park:

The old interactive kiosks have been removed from the Court of Miracles:

Will they be just moved to the new secondary entrance/exit near the train station?:

Exiting Sindbad's village:

The huge parts of the statue of Poseidon seem to have been recently repainted:

Mythos could use some help too:

Seuss Landing:

The vibrant colors of this area are great:

The refurbished sign of The Circus McGurkus Cafe:

The Cat in the Hat is still spinning very lightly (very good news, in our opinion):

Work is being done on McElligot's pool:

Behind the walls:

Finally, it looks like the back of the sign of Green Eggs and Ham has still not been refurbished:

Time to leave the park:

And that is all for now. Before concluding, remember to like us on our official Facebook page and follow us on Twitter for live updates from the parks. If you would like to make a donation to OTPN, feel free to use the big "DONATE" button on the sidebar. Thank you very much for your support, and see you again real soon!

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