Epcot Celebrates World Turtle Day on May 20 at The Seas

Epcot Guests can find out all kinds of fascinating information about turtles and participate in a variety of activities for the whole family May 20, 2014 when The Seas with Nemo & Friends celebrates World Turtle Day. Children can climb through a full-size model of a turtle excluder device, used on fishing boats to prevent sea turtles from getting caught in nets, and play games that help them learn about the many threats facing turtles, like getting entangled in trash and fishing line.

Families also can watch a sea turtle swimming gracefully by in the 5.7-million-gallon saltwater main aquarium.

Starting on World Turtle Day, and continuing through the nesting season, Guests visiting The Seas with Nemo & Friends can help turtles by adopting a sea turtle nest. The adoption fee supports sea turtle conservation efforts in Florida through the Disney Worldwide Conservation Fund (DWCF). Guests receive an adoption certificate complete with the date of adoption, the date the nest was laid, the species of sea turtle, and the nest number so they can track their nest online; a Squirt keychain; and a DWCF hero button.

Disney Guests have adopted almost 700 turtle nests so far, resulting in nearly $18,500 contributed to sea turtle conservation in Florida. Since its inception in 1995, the DWCF has contributed more than $1.2 million to sea turtle conservation around the world.

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