Universal Studios Update: Cloudy but Warm (PART 2)

Welcome to PART 2 of our newest Universal Studios Florida photo-report, Orlando Theme Park News Readers! PART 1 can be found by clicking on this link.

In part 1, we took a look around the entrance of the park (Production Central), the Transformers area, Hollywood and the Garden of Allah Villas, the entrance of the KidZone, and Springfield. Let's continue our tour of the park:

A look at the London Embankment:

The "R" in the King's Cross sign is being worked on:

No more pink:

A new extension of the building has been created to hide backstage equipment:

Getting closer:

The back section of the London Embankment:

Around the corner:


  1. Well I hope to see the new look in person this fall. Right now my impression of the London area is that its a bit stark, sort of 'flat' looking. Not quite how else to describe that.

    And I am curious as to what the music/background sound will be. There is more to a pleasant environment than nice facades.

  2. Just a note to say that not all the pictures have uploaded correctly. I have tried using Chrome and Explorer.


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