Universal Studios Update: New London Signs (PART 2)

Welcome to PART 2 of our newest Universal Studios Florida photo-report, Orlando Theme Park News Readers! PART 1 of this update can be found by clicking here.

In part 1, we took a look around the entrance of the park, Rodeo Drive, Hollywood Boulevard, The KidZone, and the Springfield. Now, we will continue to take a look around the rest of the park, focusing on the rest of Springfield and the London Embankment:

The Dunk or Flunk midway game needs some attention:

Yes, this still exists:

Some views of the London Embankment from above:

Sorry for the blurriness of some of these photos, but the building were rally far from our location:

More photos of the London Embankment, as seen from the Springfield waterfront:

The King's Cross sign looks great:

The pink is finally starting to disappear:

The new Windham sign also looks great, but some of the letters were recently removed:

Some minor adjustments need to be made:

The roof of the very end section of the facade seems to be finally done:

Notice the particulars and the new shingles:

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