SeaWorld's TurtleTrek: Some Interesting Facts

TurtleTrek is one of the newest offering to open at SeaWorld Orlando (it opened in 2012), and it is still considered to be a first-of-its-kind attraction. What makes it so unique?  Let’s take a deep dive into TurtleTrek:

The inspiration behind TurtleTrek:
  • No animal’s life journey is more incredible than that of the sea turtle. From hatching on a beach and making the mad dash to open waters to the dangers and hazards they face as they mature and return to the very same beach to lay their own eggs, their tales of life underwater have in the past been impossible to show. And no theme park in the world is better equipped than SeaWorld to share that journey with millions of people.
  • In the same way SeaWorld brought attention to the plight of the manatee – the park’s attraction, “Manatee Rescue,” created interest that helped to save the species – at TurtleTrek, the park showcases the vulnerable sea turtle and asks everyday heroes across the globe to help make a difference in saving animals in the wild. 
  • In the nearly 50 years since SeaWorld’s rescue programs began, more than 20,000 injured, orphaned or ill animals have been rescued, cared for and in most instances, returned to the wild. That’s more than one animal per day since 1964.
The dome that brings the film to life:
  • For the first time, designers have married a state-of-the-art animated film and powerful projection system with a fully domed theater, allowing for a seamless, 3-D virtual environment, all around the guests, even over their heads.
  • A fine silver coating on the dome allows each screen to focus the projection light back toward the guests. Each fleck of silver is like a tiny mirror. 
The 3-D/360-degree film that showcases the epic journey of one sea turtle:
  • The animated film goes well beyond the concept of high-definition or even virtual reality. In fact, it could be considered “high-reality.” 
  • Each frame of the film has approximately 26 million individual pixels (more than 13 times what is considered “high-def”)
  • The film is shown at 60 frames-per-second (twice as fast as the human mind can register movement).  
  • Combined with the dome and the powerful projection system, the result is one of the sharpest, most spectacular 3-D films ever created.
  • Each animal featured in the movie – from our hero sea turtle, to thousands of fish and down to the smallest anemone – began its life on an artist’s drawing board. Every movement of every creature was then animated independently. 
  • More than 12 species of sea animals are brought to life for the animated film. And each one was approved by SeaWorld educators and animal experts. 
  • Chances are you’re looking at this fact sheet on a standard computer monitor that’s 1,024 pixels wide by 768 pixels high – a total of slightly more than 780,000 pixels. The dome screens at TurtleTrek have more than 26,000,000 pixels. 
  • You won’t find this movie on Netflix. At nearly 950GB, it would take you nearly 3 months to download the six-minute movie at home. If anyone was ever to create a full-length film at this resolution and complexity, it would take nearly five years to download.
  • The dome itself creates a huge projection area.  The dome is so large, it takes 34 projectors and 368,000 lumens of light to fill it with a 3-D, 360-degree movie.
  • TurtleTrek’s movie is actually two. To create the astonishing 3-D, two films run simultaneously. One is for the left eye, the other for the right.  
The system that projects the amazing 3-D/360-degree images:
  • 34 projectors have a combined total of 368,800 lumens of light output; more
  • than 15 times a typical digital movie theater projection system. 
  • Nearly a kilometer of fiber optic cable carries the video data to the projectors.   
The audio system that surrounds guests in an underwater world:
  • The sound system at TurtleTrek includes 22 discrete audio channels that have all been mixed on-site. This allows for 3-D sound and pinpoint placement of audio effects.  
  • A typical surround sound system has a 5.1 arrangement – 5 sound channels and 1 channel for low frequency effects.  The sound system at TurtleTrek is 18.4 and is rated at an amazing 32,000 watts.  
The real-life animals that live at TurtleTrek:

A one-of-a-kind 3-D/360-degree movie is only part of TurtleTrek’s allure. It’s also two massive, naturalistic saltwater and freshwater habitats, home to sea turtles and manatees, some of them rescued and cared for by SeaWorld’s animal team.

The attraction’s sea turtle residents have been deemed non-releasable by the Florida government -- due to genetics, illness, or being orphaned -– and have found a permanent home at TurtleTrek. Since 1973, SeaWorld Orlando has rescued, cared for and returned hundreds of endangered manatees and since 1980 returned more than 1,200 sea turtles back to their natural waters.

Sea Turtles:
  • Sea turtles are truly a global species found in temperate and tropical seas worldwide. They have survived in the seas for more than 200 million years and are among a small group of reptiles that depend on the sea for survival.
  • TurtleTrek will be home to a variety of adult and juvenile sea turtles, including hawksbill and green sea turtles. Guests can view these exquisite creatures gliding past them from above, or through a below-water window. 
  • Florida's tropical waters are home to a great diversity of life and perhaps none are more rare and endearing than the manatee. All manatee species can be found in warm tropical and subtropical waters in North America, South America, and West Africa.
  • At TurtleTrek, four West Indian manatees can be seen from above, or below water as they swim by or graze on a leafy snack. Each gentle giant in the exhibit was previously rescued by SeaWorld – the global leader in rescue and rehabilitation of manatees.
  • More than 1,500 Caribbean-native fish live in the saltwater habitat. The tropical varieties guests can view within the sea turtle habitat include angelfish, surgeonfish, file fish, butterfly fish, and many more.
  • Approximately 200 freshwater fish will accompany the manatees in their habitat. There will be fish native to Florida such as large-mouth bass and bluegills; and exotic fish that can be found in Florida waters such as pacu and red-tail catfish.
The story behind the story and what SeaWorld does on a daily basis to create awareness of animals – and nature – in need

Animal rescue programs:
  • SeaWorld parks have helped animals in need -- ill, injured, orphaned and abandoned -- for more than four decades. The majority of rescued animals are successfully treated by SeaWorld veterinarians, rehabilitated and returned to the wild.
  • To date, more than 20,000 animals have been rescued by the park’s animal experts including whales, dolphins, seals, sea lions, manatees, sea turtles and birds. This is the equivalent of helping one animal a day -- every day -- for 45 years. 
The SeaWorld/Busch Gardens Conservation Fund:
  • In addition to direct support of hundreds of environmental, research and conservation projects, the company provides millions of dollars in cash, support and human resources to the SeaWorld & Busch Gardens Conservation Fund. A registered non-profit conservation foundation, the Fund has granted $7 million in support of more projects around the world in more than 60 countries. 
  • The Fund also provides an outlet for visitors to the parks, as well as the general public, to do their part to help protect wildlife. The Fund commits 100 percent of donations to on-the-ground wildlife conservation. 
Education programs:
  • Education is a cornerstone of SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment. Half a billion people have passed through the gates of a SeaWorld park since 1964, and each has benefitted from educational experiences intended to inspire a deeper understanding, respect and desire to protect all wildlife. 
  • SeaWorld’s educational impact extends into homes and classrooms across the world through innovative programs such as instructional field trips, national awards programs, classroom resources, and one of the largest and most used animal databases on the Internet. In addition to that remarkable figure are the countless informal teaching experiences inside the parks: educators, show and exhibit narrations, and interpretive and interactive graphics. 
Thank you for reading. We hope you enjoyed these interesting fun facts about TurtleTrek. Have a great day!

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