Magic Kingdom Update: Many More Walls (PART 5)

Welcome to PART 5 of this new Magic Kingdom photo-report (PART 4 can be found HERE).

We almost forgot to mention that Disney is now putting giant advertisements also on the buses:

This one advertises the upcoming Phineas & Ferb - Mission: Marvel animated movie:

A few high-resolution photos of this specific bus:



A quick look at the California Grill (Contemporary Resort) at night, from the Magic Kingdom bus area:

A few more nighttime shots:

And that should be all for now. Thank you very much as usual for reading and for following us! Remember to post your comments in the apposite section found at the very end of this post. We'd love to read them!


  1. Thanks once again for another excellent photo update! Easily the best website for Orlando photo updates

    I'm a little disappointed that Magic Kingdom still resembles tarps/walls land - I was hoping that much of the construction would be complete when I visited in October 2013, and that it would only be certain areas of New Fantasyland where these unsightly walls would be present. Sadly this doesn't look like it will be the case

    I'm all for a park updating / renovating / improving but too much is happening at the same time in MK - and it takes far too long!

  2. Thanks so much for the update! You guys are the best!

    Does anyone else think having these Fastpass+ entrances are just adding more visual clutter to the parks. Especially for rides like Aladdin and POTC where there is hardly a wait standby. I watched a video when someone used FP+ on Spaceship Earth and they literally got to cut 4 people in line and then had to wait in the regular line. For regular FP rides, will there be stand-by, FP, and FP+ entrances?

    While the land of the Tomorrowland Speedway could be used better, many kids (including myself when I was younger) love that ride. Of course though I think it needs an update with new cars, landscaping, and features.

  3. Agreed the speedway needs an update! But I heard rumors that it is going, I hope now!

  4. To improve the speedway they need to get the cars off that goddamn rail!

  5. Thanks for another top class update, I'm taking the family to Orlando in April 2014 and follow your guys religiously to see what's going on!

    Keep up the great work, so excited to get out there!


  6. Thanks for the great photo update!

    Not sure I like the new bus ad. It looks like a bus that would go to Universal's Islands of Adventure.

  7. Now that you mention it, I kinda do think that the Speedway needs an update like Disneyland's Autopia got in 2000, only better.

    And I'm also personally okay with the ads on monorails and buses. I just hope they just do Disney stuff and not just slap on stuff for corporate sponsors a la Six Flags.


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