Magic Kingdom Update: Many More Walls (PART 4)

Welcome to PART 4 of this new Magic Kingdom photo-report (PART 3 can be found HERE).

Moving on into the New Fantasyland:

Some miscellaneous photos of this beautifully-themed area:

Tell me if this does not look amazing:

Nearby, the new backstage gate is taking shape:

Storybook Circus:

Leaving the circus to go to Tomorrowland:

We could think of at least a thousand better attractions that could replace the Tomorrowland Speedway:

Anyway, some work is being done on the columns near the loading/unloading area of the PeopleMover:

A look at the rest of Tomorrowland:

Back to the Tomorrowland Speedway:

New signs:

Then, we went back to Adventureland:

Time for us to head home:


  1. I agree on the speedway.

  2. completely DISAGREE on the Speedway. Leave something for the kiddies to drive. Not everything needs to go fast and/or upside down...


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