IOA Update: JP Games Work Continues (PART 2)

Welcome to PART 2 of this Islands of Adventure photo-report (PART 1 can be found HERE).

Let us continue to take a look around the beautiful Jurassic Park area of Islands of Adventure:

A few more photos of the future location of the new Jurassic Park-themed midway games:

The walls:

Behind the walls:

Nothing new is happening in the former Triceratops Discovery Trail area, for now:

More construction on the horizon:

Walking towards the exit of the park:

Seuss Landing:

Thank you very much for reading, and have a great rest of your day!


  1. I love these updates.
    I'm leaving this comment so you'll know. :P

  2. With all the money and creativity being poured into USF and IOA, you'd think they would find an appropriate use for Toon Lagoon Theater. What a waste of a major asset.

  3. Hi! I just found your site online and it's really great! My family and I will be visiting Universal in a couple of weeks and I really enjoyed this update since so much has changed since I last visited. The biggest change has been the addition of the Harry Potter area. Will you be posting any pictures of that as well?

    Thanks again for a terrific site!

  4. Why are there no pictures of the Harry Potter section?

  5. I am also in wondering why there is not a Harry Potter photo section? Was it too rainy when you were at that part?

  6. I put a similar question and it was deleted.

  7. Since it first opened only a stage and the future train station shown in the above pics has been added to the area.


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