Celebrating the Hidden Mickey's Week on OTPN!
We have got some quite exciting news for our Readers today!
Starting from this very day (Monday, June 24, 2013) and until this coming Sunday (June 30, 2013), Orlando Theme Park News will be celebrating one of the best-kept Disney secrets... that is not really that much of a secret. We are referring to the thousands of different Hidden Mickeys that can be found all around the Walt Disney World theme parks in the world. Due to its immense size, the Walt Disney World Resort is home to the majority of them, and that is why it seemed fit to us to celebrate these hidden icons that can be recognized by virtually every single person in the world (that's how powerful the Disney Company has become).
So, what do we have in store for our Readers? Well, we can tell you that it is going to be a fun week! Here is a very basic list of some of the things that we are planning to do before this special week is over:
- First of all, you will have noticed that we have a new (and temporary) overlay to our site. That will remain throughout the entire special week. Try to find some of the Mickey icons hidden around the page!;
- You'll see one or more photos EACH DAY of some of our favorite Hidden Mickeys from all four parks;
- We are going to have some polls and fun facts about Walt Disney World's hidden mickeys;
- We will also post a review of the most popular unofficial guide that has helped Guests in their hunt for these hidden icons for the last few years: the "Hidden Mickeys - A Field Guide to Walt Disney World's Best Kept Secrets" book, written by Steven M. Barrett;
- To end this week in the best way possible, we will also reveal the winner of our special giveaway on Sunday! The person that is chosen will receive his/her very own copy of the "Hidden Mickeys - A Field Guide to Walt Disney World's Best Kept Secrets," a copy of the special October 1, 2012 Epcot park map, the April 22, 2013 Animal Kingdom park map, and more!
We will start this special week by showing you TWO of the Hidden Mickeys found in the Magic Kingdom Park:

Where can you find these two hidden icons? E-mail us at info@orlandoparksnews.com! The Reader that gets the most right answers will win our giveaway! You must submit your answers by Saturday, 11:59 p.m. EST.
We hope you will have fun with us! Enjoy this special week, and start looking around for Hidden Mickeys!
ReplyDeleteDo NOT post here your guesses regarding the location of the Hidden Mickeys in the photos! E-mail us to do so! Thank you.