New Watermark to Be Used on OTPN Photos - TEST

Here you are a glimpse of the new watermark, which should work fine for everyone based on the feedback:

Please, tell us again what you think about this, and see you very soon with a new Fantasyland Expansion update! Thank you again to all those who responded to our previous post.


  1. That logo looks good, serves it's purpose but no to obtrusive. One issue I do notice with that picture is that the "Est 2009" is unreadable.

  2. Logo seems fine. I'd much rather have the logo on the photos and still be able to open up 3 pages as I just did with a right click than have no logo and have to keep hitting back. Oh how lazy I've become, but I'm not going to change it haha. Looks like a good compromise between functionality and preventing infringement.

  3. Yeah that looks good, but it seems a little pixelated and the text at the bottom should either be removed or made bigger. Not bad though :)

  4. Watermarks looks best when they're only color though. normally white

  5. Very nice and not very intrusive on the overall photo. I hope this route works better for you and cuts down on some of the problems.

  6. I like the new watermark!

    And I'm always more than happy to link back to your posts from Orlando United.

  7. @BJCool: You have always been very, very good in giving us credit when posting our photos on OU. Thank you very much for that.

  8. Much better than the bold letters from the older post. You should remove the words above the tree. No one can see them. It would be nice if it was a little smaller.

  9. That's great! You guys deserve to sign your hard work. :-)

  10. Glad you're watermarking your photos - nothing worse than others profiting from your hard work. I do something similar on my website (which was inspired by OTPN)
    An added benefit is when people do a Google image search they'll see your logo too!


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