New Test Track Entrance - Official Artwork Released

The official Disney Parks Blog just released a new artwork that shows the renovated entrance that is currently being put together in front of Test Track. Take a look at that, and tell us what you think about it:

Did you notice the World of Motion in the left corner of the big "T"? That's definitely a nice nod to the past. The new blue color scheme also looks very nice. The only negative aspect of this entrance? That ugly canopy.

ARTWORK: Subject to the copyright of  The Walt Disney World Resort. ©Disney. All rights reserved.


  1. I think that The New Test Track Entrance looks awesome! I love it!

  2. We like it too! But as I said in the post, the canopy still doesn't look right...

  3. Love the Idea. Just feel as if something is missing. Feel as though it could be better dressed.

  4. After This Project I Wonder If EPCOT Will Greenlight Any Other Projects

  5. This is beond ugly, I hope the ride looks better.

  6. Am I the only one who likes the canopy?? without it, you just have a round building to go into. This way, it gives the building that busy "Testing Facility" look.

    I really like the new entrance artwork! Especially the Stylized T with embedded artwork.


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