LEGOLAND Update: Many New Projects (PART 2)

It is now time to move on to DUPLO Land:

Nobody was around here:

This gave us the opportunity of taking some nice shots of the various areas of the park:


Soon to be removed:

NEW! - This path should open in 2013 as part of the new Pirate's Shores area:

A stroll through one of our favorite lands - LEGO Kingdoms:

Going to Miniland:

It seemed like there were some problems in the Pirates-themed section of Miniland:

What a beautiful theme park. We really like it:

NEW! - Some more photos of the soon-to-come Star Wars Miniland:

A look over the walls from the opposite side:

More photos of Miniland:

This was the rumored site for the Star Wars Miniland. It looks like it won't be touched for now:

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