Islands of Adventure Update: More Changes (PART 2)
Thank you for continuing to read! (PART 1 of this update can be found HERE). Let's continue:
These other games are said to be staying for the time being:
Do you see that building on the far left of this following photo (the Frozen Dessert?):
This was the status of the demolition work a few days ago:
This is what it looks like today:
The other side has been completely demolished too. These photos were taken a few days ago:
You can no longer read this, as the building's facade on this side is gone:
Lots and lots of walls in this area:
Moving on, we noticed that there was a special event taking place inside Marvel's Superhero Island (this took place after the park closed to the general public, of course. No free food for us!):
Bring out the beers:
For this occasion, they also brought outside the famous Hulk statue!:
It looks quite impressive:

They should definitely keep him out in the Marvel's Superhero Island area every day, as we noticed that it was a very popular photo-opportunity, and multiple guests were lining up to take a picture with him (seems like a no-brainer to us, but maybe they don't want to have him out very often):
This sign may need to be replaced. Don't you think?:
Leaving the park, we focused on something that nobody can replicate successfully: the beauty of nature.
This is all!:
Thank you as always for taking the time to read through the entire update, and don't forget to post your comments! We definitely appreciate hearing your thoughts about the parks and our updates! Take care!
Hmm.. looks like Hulk could use a little bit of paint touch-up work. Of course it is still a great idea and they should make him permanent. I really enjoy the atmosphere of the lost continent. I hope that Potter doesn't destroy it completely..