Islands of Adventure - Quick General Update

Sunday is usually a day when people in general rest from work. Well, we do too, but at the same time we want to provide you always the best photo-updates, even on the weekend. Therefore, here you are a quick - but interesting - photo-update of Universal's Islands of Adventure, which includes a small behind-the-scenes look at some Seussian creatures that are resting in a backstage area. Let's start:

The Trading Company store:

Meal Deal is heavily advertised:

Last week, we showed you all the new themed mannequins that have just been installed inside the Trading Company store, but since not all the pictures were very clear, we want to show them to you once again:

Here they are:

The wait times:


The sign at the entrance of Poseidon's Fury is not working. Water has stopped flowing:

Triceratops Discovery Trail is still open. This is something I would like to see much more often:

As you know, all Marvel Superheroes have received brand-new costumes. Here you are just a few of them:

Also, we were the first to announce that they would receive brand-new vehicles. Here they are:

Really nice:

Previously, they had vehicles with four wheels. Now, they have three. Next, they'll have only two:

The great-looking Hulk:

And, here you are the behind-the-scenes look we promised you:

Some of the Seussian creatures are under refurbishment:

They should come from the "Caro-Seuss-el" ride:

Also a piece of 'Circus McGurkus' is being refurbished:

And that concludes our update. Thank you very much for viewing, and have a great day!


  1. I believe those Seussian creatures are from the Caro-Seuss-el. It looks like they have the pole attachments as well.

  2. Thanks for the update; you do a really nice job! There's really no other site that can pull it off quite as well.

  3. @Anonymous: You're right! We'll change the caption on the picture. Thanks!

    @Epcot Traveler: thank you very much for the nice comment!

  4. Oh yes, the motorcycles are Can-Am Spyder Roadters. I saw them last week. I'd noticed they were new but didn't know they were that new, that you haven't seen them Samuele...

    Great update as always! Did you received my e-mail answering yours?


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