Kilimanjaro Safaris at Disney's Animal Kingdom

Today, we'll see a lot of pictures of one of the best attractions found at Disney's Animal Kingdom, and in general, one of the beast attractions of the resort: The Kilimanjaro Safaris!:

A rumor says that the storyline of poachers will soon be removed... I really hope that they will add something to the end in case they do decide to eliminate the storyline, which is very weak anyway, in my opinion.

Let's start our journey with the Black Rhino:

Continuing through the safari:


Nile Crocodiles:

This looks like a ramp for Wild Africa Trek:

Ah, the wide open spaces!:

Wild Africa Trek's new African-themed building can be seen in the middle of the savannah:

The Wildebeast:

Other animals:





White Rhinos:

Lion Country:

And that's all for today! See you later, with more updates coming during this week.


  1. its actually Nile crocodiles in that picture, I don't think you see american alligators very often in Africa :p

  2. Anonymous, thank you so much for the report!! I will change that immediately. As you can see, I will never be able to work in a zoo... I can't even recognize an animal, sigh!


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