Fantasyland Update: The Skyway Leaves, Dumbo's Storybook Circus Takes Shape and More! (PART 1)

This is going to be one of the best Fantasyland updates yet! This week we'll really notice how fast things are changing in the new Fantasyland, and we'll take a close look at all the major work that is being done all around, in the older section of this land. Let's start right away, since I know many of you really can't wait to see what's new! The first area we'll examine is the former Skyway Station (it makes me feel a bit sad to say "former"):

The place has an eerie feeling now. The only things that makes the difference is the typical Swiss music that still plays all around the area: 

They're really going fast in demolishing the building:

To tell you the truth, I'm more that happy to see this go. Why? Well, first of all, this area is very congested, so another pathway is more than welcome. Also, the bathrooms next to Peter Pan are a nightmare, so bigger bathrooms are certainly needed. Last but not least, the building looked very nice, but it was rotting away, and it had no function whatsoever. In a few words, it was useless and could not be reused for structural problems:

The clock tower has not worked for years and years:

Some additional work is being done on the roof of "It's a Small World" tower. They're just putting new shingles on the roof:

Notice how well they themed the bottom of the scaffolding. It really looks part of the building!:

A closer look at the roof:

Work is still going on near Prince Charming's Carousel, for the removal of one of the last planters:

From above, you can't see much:


And now, let's take a look at Beauty and the Beast's Village!:

Belle's Cottage is really coming along, and they've made a lot of improvements since the last update that the Disney Park Blog has posted:

A look at the front of this beautiful cottage:

The rockwork look extremely realistic... and it's not done yet!:

What will come out of that hole? Maybe water, for a small waterfall:

Beast's Castle looks great:

On the side of the building:

They've already done the castle walls theming on the side of the castle!:

It is not painted... they have used thin bricks, which makes it much more realistic than just paint:

Let's continue checking out the rest of Fantasyland:

They've finally fixed the top of the former Mickey's Toontown Fair cart. Now all the Mickey heads are on their rightful place:

NEW! - The new cart, themed after the Beauty and the Beast movie, has finally received a new sign!:

It is now officially called "MAURICE'S AMAZING POPPING MACHINE"!:

It really looks gorgeous. Nice to see Maurice in the park:

A higher-resolution picture of this new sign:

But, now, what's that steel structure behind the flying Dumbos?:

To find out what it is, just head to PART 2 of this exciting Fantasyland update!


  1. Gotta say.. OMG

    That's an real update!!

    You're awesome!!! ;)


  2. Great update as always, thanks for the wonderful work!

  3. Since they're using textures in the walls, I'll let the painted-on shingles slide. This place is going to be incredible!


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