Busch Gardens Update - June 2011 (Part 3)

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Welcome to the third, and final part of this huge Busch Gardens Tampa Bay update!
Let's continue our trip through the park from where we left in PART 2 by taking just a glimpse of the once-great "Rhino Rally" ride:

To read the whole story of how this beautiful ride had to be radically changed, please CLICK HERE.

Elephants live near Rhino Rally:

Just here, inside the Elephant area, they've built a brand-new observation point that gives people the opportunity of going even nearer these huge animals:

You can see how new these pieces of wood are:

It's called the "Elephant Interaction Area", and we are not sure of they will charge anything to go there, or if it will be open for everybody:

Brand-new lights have been installed in the nearby areas:

Moving on to Timbuktu:

The theming is just how we like it: stunning!:

New park maps have been installed throughout the park:

The Desert Grill is not only a very nice restaurant. It's also a highly-themed theater!:

Timbuktu is home of one of the craziest (and oldest) "family-oriented" roller coaster. it is not exaggeratedly big, but it can get really fast and, guess what, it even goes upside down... and there are no shoulder restraints!:

Yes, we're talking about the Scorpion, which also seems very rough:

The other family-friendly coaster found in this area is the formerly-called "Cheetah Chase", which has now become the "Sand Serpent". The name was changed to avoid people getting confused with Cheetah Hunt and Cheetah Run:

It is a wild mouse coaster:

Here's a look at the brand-new sign:

In this area, we can also find the "Phoenix", a crazy rotating ship, capable of doing 360 degree loops:

Exiting the Timbuktu area, we proceed to Congo, where we find one of the most appreciated coasters of the park: the B&M called "Kumba":

This is a really great photo-opportunity:

From the Skyride, you can get a really good view of this massive coaster:

Going to Jungala, we find some of our favorite animals: tigers:

As you can see, at Busch Gardens you can get some truly spectacular views of these great animals. You can find tigers at Animal Kingdom too, but they're a bit more difficult to see, and they do not have the fantastic white tigers!:

Truly magnificent animals:

A close-up:

Waiting for human interactions:

Nope... everybody's on the other side. Sorry!:

That's where all the people are. They're taking pictures with the light-colored tiger:

We'll conclude this grand Busch Gardens update by taking a look at some of the many fantastic animals that populates Busch Gardens' savannah:

There are a lot of giraffes here!:

You can get some really close pictures of the animals at Busch Gardens. Here you can take the tour of the place at your own pace, while at Animal Kingdom you have to take the Safaris, which is no doubt incredibly fun, but the truck doesn't stop long enough for people to get really good pictures:

More animals

You can't take a picture like this at AK! Look at this!:

A really fantastic animal:

All Aboard!:

And this concludes our Busch Gardens Tampa Bay update. We hope you enjoyed looking at all these pictures, and we thank you for viewing!

As always, before leaving you, we would like to remind you that we immensely appreciate your donations, so if you would like to show your appreciation for the hard work that we continue to do each and every day for free (yes, nobody pays us!), please, consider donating something, even a very small amount. Also, remember that we do have a Facebook page, where you can be up-to-date with all the news and updates, and sometimes you can even get some news before we post them on the main site!

Thank you very much for considering these things, and have a great adventure today!

Navigation: | PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 |


  1. Great, awesome... amazing... I love this park, I love this report, I love this blog!!!!!!!

    I have a dream: If Busch Gardens will meet Disney's Imagineers, Animal Kingdom will be the perfet Theme park all around the world!!!!!!!

    Thank you again Sam for this great picture about one of the most well balanced park in therm of thrill, nature and fun!

    p.s. The fifth picture of the giraffes, where there are 2 back to back, make those giraffes seems like Siamese twins Giraffes!!! ahahahah

  2. Wow lovely photos of BG - my favourite park. Thank you.

  3. This park looks amazing. I have never been to this Busch Gardens park but I have been to the one in Williamsburg VA. many times which is just as amazing and beautiful.

  4. I've been to both Busch Gardens parks, and the Florida version is a million times better than Virginia's. The rides/coasters are very comparable, but all the animals make it like an entire zoo too. So much to see and do, and these pictures show that off.

    And now that "Cheetaka" is open, I look forward to visiting again soon!


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