The Seas at Epcot helps Manatees
Just as SeaWorld Orlando does, Disney tries to help marine life, like the magnificent manatees. Take a look:
The Seas releases one endangered manatee and welcomes another
Last March a rescued manatee, Jasper, was brought to The Seas with Nemo & Friends at Epcot for care. The hope was to be able to release him back to his natural habitat in about a year, after he gained weight and received medical care for cold stress.
The Animal Programs team released him in the Indian River Lagoon on the Atlantic Coast of Florida Feb. 22. That same afternoon, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission reported that Jasper was cavorting with a group of 30 other manatees.

Animal Programs team members release Jasper in the Indian River Lagoon.
The same day, Animal Programs animal care experts brought another rescued manatee, Vail, to The Seas with Nemo & Friends. Vail has been cared for in manatee rehabilitation facilities since he was injured nearly 15 years ago due to a watercraft strike. A portion of his tail paddle is missing — an injury similar to that of another resident manatee, Lou.
Guests can see Vail and Lou when they visit the attraction.

New arrival Vail (right) swims with manatee, Lou.
With only 5,000 around the state, manatees are considered an endangered species in Florida. Disney is very proud to play a role in their rehabilitation. Disney guests also play an important role through their contributions to the Disney Worldwide Conservation Fund.
Great job, Disney! This is what we like to hear. Helping nature is one of the best things people can do.
All pictures and info are subject to the copyright of the Walt Disney World resort. All rights reserved.
All pictures and info are subject to the copyright of the Walt Disney World resort. All rights reserved.
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