Islands of Adventure - Dudley's refurb continues

Good Morning, everybody! Today, we've got a nice update, which gives you a good look at the refurbishment of the Dudley Do Right's Ripsaw Falls attraction while it's under an extensive refurbishment, as well as a look around the park in general, in search for new additions!

Let's see what's worth noting this week, at Islands Of Adventure...

First of all, the wait times:

It was Saturday, therefore the park was a bit crowded:

Spring is already here, in Florida! By the way, did we have a winter??:

The Sneetches are back in the lagoon, after having been removed to make way for the temporary "Kiteman" show:

Mythos has been cleaned once again. Great job, Universal! This denotes that they're willing to clean the Hulk too, but it's much more complicated to do that...



Of course, let's not complain too much!! The fountain on Mythos' side had been closed for years, so...
better moldy than completely shut down!!:

The "temporary" bridge was open:

We were the first to report the re-branding of the "Watering Hole", with the addition of a heavy Coca Cola sponsorship (take a look HERE for more pictures):

Adjusting the signs:

Many Team Members were around the park with surveys (they didn't accept me... since I'm a Floridian!):

I miss Triceratops Discovery trail, but i'm happy that at least I got to see it:

Also, it will reopen for Spring Break:

It looks like they're still working on part of the original queue:

Work on Dudley Do-Right's Ripsaw Falls:

The big, red hat on top of the tower has finally been repainted!
During last year's refurbishment, it was neglected. The rest of the ride got repainted, while the hat was fairly dirty... Take a look now:

It has a bright-red color:

A lot of walls:

Are they going to repaint these lights too?:

Work on the track of the ride:

New flowers around the park:

Very nice environment:

The Hulk:

Since I noticed the good disposition of Universal toward other rides, I will not repeat any further that the hulk is not very clean. I am sure they will soon do something about it:

Notice the difference in this segment of the track:

This is reeeeally bad:

Thanks a lot for viewing, and have a great day!


  1. yes, I agree with you when you say that clean hulk could be more difficult: if we talking about mold, it should be easy to remove with a pass of "Hydrocleaner" (I don't know the right english word for Idropulitrice) but if the need to remove the rust of the rail sustainer, they need to sanding the part e repaint it!!!!!

  2. Yeah, you're right, Bigfoots. They needed only a couple of days maximum to clean Mythos (they've done this multiple times this and last year), but to re-paint the Hulk (which is also a very popular ride, so closing it would cause a general discontentment) and to get rid of the rust, it my take months!

    I can understand why they're waiting now, even though I think this may be th best time to do so, as it is one of the less crowded periods of the year. If they don't do it now, they'll have to wait until September/October 2011...

  3. When do you think they are going to open up ripsaw falls

  4. Thanks a lot, USF Addicts!

    @ Matt: Dudley DO-Right's Ripsaw Falls will reopen later this Spring, but no exact date has been released yet...

    Stay tuned for news!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Can you do a night pov walk through of IOA.


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