A Day at the Magic Kingdom - PART 1

Hello, and welcome to a new OTPN special update of the Magic Kingdom!
Let's begin by making some memories:

A temporary carpet on the ground, under the train station:

New walls on the corridor of the Exposition Hall:

Work also continues on the other side of the Hall:


Another work in progress:

Also on the Confectionery:

New, temporary signs:

Colored outfits, n'est pas?:


QUESTION: Are the cool-looking, talking characters of "dream Along with Mickey" gone?!!
Take a look! Now they're simple characters:

They don't move their mouth or open and close their eyes:

Work on the Adventureland Bridge:

The stroller parking near the treehouse is almost done:


NEWS - Tortuga Tavern pictures! Open daily (at least this week) from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.:

The "new" logo:

The original "El Pirata y el Perico" logo is still there, though... on the back:

Slightly changed menu:

New stuff around the area:


Cool book:

Signed: Captain Jack Sparrow:

Blackbeard's daughter:

The new roof of the Tavern was being placed:

Work on Pecos Bill:



  1. Thanks for the updates! :) I can't wait to see the new Tortuga Tavern this weekend. LOVE the Blackbeard additon.....the flaming beard is a great touch I think! :::smiles:::

  2. i don't know why El Pirata y el Perico isn't open more often. whenever we are at MK we always look for it to be open, and usually isn't. i bet if they were open consistantly, it would draw bigger crowds. Foods good there.

  3. The "tortuga" overlay on the Pirata sign looks very cheap and temporary. A quickie fix?

  4. Gosh I hope that the Tiki Room is okay! They said it was just a tiny fire but it's been closed for a while... And I really hope that the new Pirates 3 theming in Tortuga Tavern means it'll be open more

  5. Oops, I meant Pirates 4! :)

  6. The DAWM heads were probably just a technical difficulty. When I was there last week, the did not move at the 4:15 show, but at the 5:15 show they were working.


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