Fun Spot U.S.A. construction update

This time, OTPN went personally to check out all the work that is going on at one of the fastest-growing minor attraction in Orlando: Fun Spot. Let's check out the amusement park in general:

We came there early, before the park opened, so we had all the time we wanted to take some great pictures:

There are a lot of these billboard all around the park, to remind you where you are:

Let's map the changes:

Cobra has been removed to make way for their new flat ride:

The Sky Wheel has been removed too, to make space for the arcade expansion:

The Party Pavilion has been moved near the "HOT SEAT" to make way for a brand-new arcade:

Nice day:

We already SPOT some construction (no pun intended):

That will be the new Sky Coaster building:

It will replace the old one on the side:

The project was there, in front of me!!:

The Galaxy Spin cars are still waiting here, as Fun Spot makes way for their new coaster:

This is really HUGE:

Work on the new arcade:

The columns:

It will be a two-story high building! Indeed, a Fun Spot official (that we really thank a lot!) just told us that the old roof will be taken away, to allow the construction of the second floor:

The old Sky Wheel site:

From the parking lot:

The old Cobra site, where the new flat ride (the Screaming Eagle) will stay:

Photos from around the area:

Look how clean and neat this park is!!:

The Bumper cars:

As we reported last year, the Sky Coaster now features nighttime led lighting:

A close-up look at the led:

The Yo-Yo:


This admission booth looks much nicer now:

I would love to see more themed flat rides, like this one:

Zamperla's 'Surf's UP' is one of their newest creations, made in 2009!:

The completely re-painted "HOT SEAT"!!:

The party pavilion is now located toward the end of the park:

Logos all over the place add a nice touch to the otherwise flat walls:

It looks like they're working on the pond:

Ha! that's the SPOT:

This is one of the most unusual rides I've ever seen:

Here there's space for a new ride, too!:

In conclusion, Fun Spot U.S.A. is a very nice attraction, worth of visiting.
Thanks for reading, and thank you Fun Spot for caring about the appearance of your parks! Have a great day, everybody!

1 comment:

  1. Fun Spot Is The MOst fun place ever i had sooooo much fun now i go every time i go to florida( every year)


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