Rockit has reopened. Now what?

As you know, Universal Studios Florida's signature roller coaster "Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit" has reopened just some days ago, as we announced in one of our previous articles. Well, now what are you going to do? I know, it sounds strange said like that. Let me formulate the question once again: "Are you going to ride it anymore?". Many people indeed have lost faith. Some say "HRRR is still sooo rough!", or "It's dangerous! I know that it even valleyed (went backwards before reaching the top of the loop) a couple of times!"...
SO, it looks like some visitors will try to avoid it, adding that this is one of the only ride in Universal Orlando that is still without EXPRESS.

Of course, not everybody thinks that way. Some people love HRRR, saying that "it's great and unique that you can choose your own soundtrack while riding", and that has some" cool maneuvers" that are not found in other roller coasters. Some say it's an accomplishment. Other say it's a complete fail.

What do you think?
This is an important poll, so please, tell us what you really think:

Thanks for expressing your opinion. We really hope that Universal will do everything to make the coaster work at its best, even finally adding the Express line. Of course, the safety of the guests has to be always their TOP priority! So, if they need to close it down again, fine. But take good care of it.


  1. I wish I could ride it if it was opened when I was there!!!! Sigh!!!!

  2. I haven't ridden it either. So I voted confused, maybe a good ride would leave a lasting impression...

    But since before it open, I used to go around online seeing the Manta hundreds of pics, the only pics around of this where of the track laying around in some grass. I knew they wouldn't open in time. So I postponed my trip. I don't now if is any good or not but it closes parts of the day closes for fixing, opens, then closes again...

    It just doesn't seem to shine, that was supposed to be the answer to Manta, and a hook to get people traffic away from Potter Land, even if for a minute or so. Let's put it like this: it may be a good/great ride but as far as presentation goes it seems to fall short...

  3. Personally, I haven't heard of it having any 'minor' issues, like rollbacks. I'm not too concerned about those because, frankly, there're safety measures in place for that kind of thing, anyway.

    I thought it was an overall good coaster. Its biggest problem is that it is, indeed, WAY too rough. Not much to do with that, but its best feature is also one that doesn't work as often as it should. That being, of course, the music.

    When the music DOES work, it comes together nicely.

  4. I have never really enjoyed or felt comfortable riding this coaster.A coaster like the Dragons I could ride all day every day.I just never felt comfortable with the restraint system as it normally locks me in so tight I'm left the entire ride gasping for air,the combination of that plus a usual pretty rough ride and it's just not my favorite coaster.I don't think it's that bad nor do I avoid it but it's just not a coaster I feel like I need multiple rides on.

  5. I feel like the Orlando people are kind of spoiled with smoothness. Having high quality parks like Disney and Universal they expect an easy ride. I haven't been on it though, maybe it is as "rough" as they say but you havent seen rough until you've ridden the Rattler at Six Flags Fiesta Texas.

  6. I love HRRR. Its the best roller coaster I have ever been on, and I have been to many theme parks. This is just my opinion, but I just always have so much fun on this ride

  7. WhoXDat Dragon do you think that is better than Manta??? Manta is the only one coaster which give me the sensation of confusion during the inverted loop!!!

  8. Manta wasn,t all that impressive to me. It was a good coaster, but I been on better. I could easily name 20 coasters that I liked better than it. HRRR combines two of my favorite things. Roller coasters and music. Nothing against Manta, but its no HRRR. This is just my opion, and I would like to say I know a thing or two about coasters like most of the people that post on this website. I just dont get that adrenalne rush from Manta. Its not wild or exciting enough for me.

  9. Bigfoots, I got "shut out" of my ride on HRRR (it broke down when I was on the platform) so I can't say what the ride was like compared to Manta. I agree with you about the "confusion" on Manta - after my 1st ride, I didn't know WHAT happened. It took a second ride (about 10 minutes later) to "process" the experience but I really did like it, & like it more & more every time I ride it.
    Like Who said, I don't get an adrenaline "rush", but it's a VERY cool feeing moving in a way your body's not used to. I'd put it in my top 5 coaster but not at #1.

  10. I have to put it in a completely different category than rides like Space Mountain and Everest cause its not a themed coasters. I been on coasters that go 120 and 100 and many that go in the 90's, 80's, and 70's, so since Manta is not a themed coaster it just kinda sucks to me. I ride coasters for the thrill and it doesnt give me that thrill that other rides do. Im not saying it sucks, but I have been all over this country and Canada riding roller coasters and compared to rides at Six Flags and Cedar point, it just lacks the adrenaline rush and thrill. Top Thrill Dragster was an insane roller coaster maxing out at 120 MPH, Millenium Force has a 315 foot drop going 93 MPH, X at Six Flags Magic Mountain has a 90 degree drop going 75 MPH with the seats fliping while you are riding. Its just a very small roller coaster in that perspective. Now HRRR is my favorite roller coaster, and it might not seem that thrilling compared to those roller coasters but the addition of music has a great effect on the ride and it also has some very unique features that you wont find on any other roller coaster. Also Space Mountain is one of my favorite Roller Coasters and it is a ver small and slow roller coaster, but the thrill of riding in the dark and not knowing whats going to happen next is thrilling to me, though I have pretty much memorized the track layout by now. That is just my opinion on Manta


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