Fantasyland forest update - new details (Part 2)

Here you are PART 2 of this great Fantasyland Forest update!
(P.S. - If you didn't check out PART 1, please do so before viewing PART 2!):

The Winnie the Pooh Area:

Notice how beautiful the new queue of Winnie the Pooh is!:

The Little Mermaid Building is receiving some work on the hidden side:

These trees certainly do not make my "job" easier:

The Beauty and the Beast's building is becoming bigger and bigger every week! It's almost the size of the Little Mermaid!:

Notice how they're working on the floor of the building:

More "behind-the-scenes" pictures:

And we conclude our update with this random plant in a randomly refurbished piece of path!:

If you didn't do so, please check out PART 1 for more pictures!

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1 comment:

  1. Love the random plant :) I wonder if that's to help the congestion/traffic in that area - it's always a mess over there!


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