Did you remember?

Just a reminder:

Last night, at 2.00 a.m., our time has changed here in the U.S.
Did you remember to put all your clocks one hour BACK?
And did you change all the batteries of your smoke detectors?

Thanks for the attention!


  1. and, didnt this site open on november 7 2009?

  2. I was wondering why I left today to buy Chinese food at 2:00PM and arrived at 1:00PM! What the...!!?

    That's some time traveling stuff! Any how the computer clock and TV's are different but we don't have Light savings here so...

    Thanks for the Info though!

  3. and please don't do like I did on November 1st when here in Italy switch to the solar time: I totally forgot to change the time of the clocks so in the first 30 minutes I felt like Marty McFly trying to understand how i was back in time! Then when I remembered the time change and I stared to set the house clock I felt like Bruce Willys in the movie "12 Monkeys" having some difficulties to understand when or where I was!!! ahahah
    It was a Strange Day!!!


    p.s. Samu is it right what BB1646 said?
    It's the birthday of Most Advanced Orlando Theme Park News Blog on the planet???

  4. I don't know how BB does that, but he is correct. this site was born on November 7, 2010! But please, no congrats. We still have a long way.... And actually, it was born like three weeks before. But it was in Italian, as most of you know. But I really thanks A LOT all of you who follow us! You all really make the site better!! THANK YOU!!

  5. Why you don't want celebrate the Birthday of the blog???
    I want to sing Tanti Auguri (Happy Birthday) like the Italian guys in the Pizzeria via Napoli in Epcot, complete of the "PARAPAPPAPPA UE" Part!!!! ahahah!!!
    Please make a post with the celebration!!!

  6. YOU SAID 2010, NOT 2009!


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