250 people like us. We like them too!

As you know, just about three and a half months ago we opened a Facebook account where we try to keep our friends updated on what's new on our site! Well, we are proud to announce that we have now reached 250 friends!!Thank you very much for following us! 
If you didn't sign up on our Facebook page, you can do so HERE.

We will also begin to include news from around the internet from now on, so stay tuned!!!


  1. Congratulations. 250 is an incredible feat. We're struggling to reach 100 though. Somehow you found success you deserve it. OTPN is a great source for news that I need.

  2. Proud to be one of 250!!! And now part of 78 people who like th Austin's Facebook Page!!!
    Austin... is fantastic your avatar picture: SR-71 Blackbird!!!

  3. Thanks to both of you! I really appreciate!

  4. Haha yep. I like to use some military avatars. Last week I had a fully loaded Carrier.

    So whats your next Facebook goal?

  5. Congrats on the 250!

    I would gladly be on there if I had a Facebook account, but I don't and don't really want one either. But if I did, I would gladly be there...

    Congrats and keep up the good work!


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