It's a Small World's New Queue Line

"It's a Small World" has been closed for a long time, but finally this Wednesday it was reopened to the public!
Let's see how the queue design has changed:

What a great sight! No more walls (at least in this section of the park!!):

Strangely there's no writing outside the exit that says: "EXIT ONLY":

The entrance was left in the same spot, which is okay for me:

This has become an Emergency exit:

This part of the queue has remained almost unchanged:

Here, there's a lot of space for people exiting, which is absolutely fabulous, as before it was crazy when exiting the ride:

Look how much space we have now!! Wonderful:

I LOVE the new queue configuration! It looks much better:

The exit ramp:

The entrance ramp:

The emergency exit:

The ride looks a lot more organized and enjoyable!

Sorry for the blurry pictures, but the line was moving fast!:

It's nice to pass behind the facade, even though I hope people will not touch it... :

Nice view over the ride:

The loading/unloading area:

And, to end, here you are a full walk-through of the queue!
(An entire video of the ride itself is coming soon):

Inside the ride itself, everything looks really nice. the only thing that doesn't work are these guys here:

They are stuck, and do not move (but that's not a big issue):

Thank you so much for viewing! And please, contribute with your comments or with a small donation! Thank you so much, and have a great day everybody!

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