Star Tours V.1 TRIBUTE

As of today, SEPTEMBER 8th, 2010, 

STAR TOURS V.1 has been closed for good. 

To say goodbye to the attraction, OTPN has prepared a surprise for all our readers: an extensive photo-update of the attraction that includes more than 50 pictures, three videos of the queue and so much more!! Let's begin this adventure! (WARNING! THERE ARE A LOT OF PICTURES, SO WE REQUEST TO PLEASE BE PATIENT AS THE 65+ PICTURES LOAD!):

And now, the pictures!
PHOTOS WITH THE FLASH are Higher in quality and show more details;
 PHOTOS WITHOUT THE FLASH are lower in quality, but show you the real atmosphere of the ride):

The WDW's version is absolutely the BEST LOOKING!! The versions in all the other Disney Parks envy our queue! The ride itself was the same:

There is/was also an outside stage for some Star Tours-related shows:

The great theming of the outside queue:

The Fastpass station:

The ride's sign:

Inside the main queue:

There are three lines: one for stand-by queue, one for the Fastpass and one for disable guests (the ramp goes directly on the second floor):

The entrance to the second big room:

Our Starspeeder:

The loading bay is HUGE!:

These TV's will be changed for sure:

The exit:

The unloading area:

The big gift shop at the end of the ride:

The exit ramp:

A photo-opportunity:

Create your own Star Sword:

More theming:

And an outside photo-op:

And now, some videos of the queue from OTPN!!:

1) First room video

2) Another video of the same room:

3) Full queue video:

4) Full on-ride video (not of OTPN! Copyright of SoCalcoaster521):

Here's what's coming up:


A short video of the new film (that will be in 3D):

And to end, here's what could be the queue video, courtesy of the Disney Parks Blog:

Thanks for watching, and


  1. Nice tribute.

    For the new Star Tours to beat this, it will have to be brilliant!!
    I can't wait till next year.

  2. Thanks! I agree, the new Star Tours has to be great to beat this one! Especially the queue!!

  3. Goodbye Sta Tours... for me it's a bad bad sad sad day!
    Anyone should understand that star tours attraction is like the promise land!
    Since I was a young boy at the first time I saw Star Wars my imagination run fast to a place where to live in first person the mighty adventure of Luke Skywalker.
    After many year I knew that place exist and it was in Orlando.
    When I finally was there everything was magical.
    I saw the Jedy Accademy show, I rode the Tour to Endor and spend a lot (and believe me... a long time) of time in the shop!
    I know, the show was for kids, the ride isn't comparable to Simpson Ride or other attraction of the same kind and the shop is ever full of people, but it's Star Wars.
    Just only that name inside a park give you the best feedback on how you spend your money.

    My only new hope (paraphrasing the title of the chapter IV) is that during the Extreme Make Over, that I think will be for the most part of the time inside and in the backstage of the attraction, they will perform some live action or show giving to that spectacular park zone, a new life waiting for the new attraction.

    So goodbye Star Tours, maybe we will meet again, but anyway Thank You for all the good time you give me as your guest!!!

    May the force be with you!!!

    p.s Thank you Samuele for this amazing report, you surprise me every time!!!

  4. I am looking forward to the new Star Tours, too. I hope the new one is even better!

    When does the updated ST open?

  5. I'm really excited about the 2.0. That ride wasn't that great, but the queue is just amazing! Especially the Endor part.(Nerd-alert!)

    I got really high hopes for the new one, since they can go so many different ways with it. But in my opinion Disney's been slipping with the new expansion, so I'm a little worried.

    @Bigfoots- Nice comments. Since we are some of the few Star Wars fans here, I definitely share some of your thoughts. Glad you decided to share them! (Only that I enjoy more the ones about Anakin, rather than ones about Luke. But still...

    -and lets hope, The Force stays with that site, "Always"

    @Samuele - Great post man! Very neat and elaborated. I hope you'll catch on with Star Wars if you haven't already. At least before 2.0 comes. Cause that comment you posted (a while back) about the "Black Death" if I recall correctly. (You know the dude in the black suit, in the pics) Well that's just sad! How could you've said that about the greatest villain in the galaxy! You should be a shamed Samuele. Ashamed! Lol.

    Great post, I definitely would have like one more ride on Star Tours. But sadly I couldn't. Thanks Samuele for bringing it to us, the ones that couldn't be there!


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