OTPN changes coming soon

New changes will soon take place at Orlando Theme Parks News, including a change that is focused on the problem viewing the pictures.

On this matter, we decided to divide all our pictures update into TWO categories:

1) CONSTRUCTION UPDATES: in these updates you will see max. 40 pictures, and the 90% of them will be in a big format (the one you see right now, 1024x768 pixels), because you have to be able to see all the details that they're adding to the buildings, the additions, etc.
This will take a little longer to load.

2) GENERAL UPDATES: in these updates, you'll see some pictures of the parks in general, maybe including some small works, and the 90% of the pictures will be in a much smaller format (600x450 pixels), so that it will load at least 5 times faster. Of course, the smaller the pictures, the less details you'll see.

For now this is all. More news are coming, though, so stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Good Idea....
    Keep up the good work,my sister is in WDW till Sept 12 so always look o see if she walked into your lens


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