The Incredibly dirty Hulk


Yes, the Hulk is very dirty, we now know that, but when it is closed, it looks even dirtier!!!
Let's take a look at some pictures of the ride itself (and it track!):

ATTENTION! The following pictures may be too graphic for roller coaster fans!:

The theming is great, though!:

This is pretty strange!:

I think that Universal should do something with this!!
it's so ugly to see "The incredible Hulk coaster" in such conditions!! What's your opinion?
Do you mind if the coaster is dirty? Or do you just care about the ride itself?

Tell us what you think! And sorry for the pictures that I didn't upload!!


  1. Can't get these pictures to load. :( The rest of the posts on the front page load correctly, though.

  2. I can't see the pictures:(

  3. Oh, sorry everybody!!!!
    I know why the photos didn't load! I didn't upload them at all! I forgot! Sorry, I'll fix it soon!!!!

  4. It looks crappy! It looks almost unsafe. I hope they do something about it. If they're waiting to re-theme it. I think it would be great too.

    I remember at one of our(family) trips, while being in the queue, it broke, they fix it, then broke again so we decided to stay. We waited like 20 min, at one spot then like 25 at another, I got sick of the video and the (techno music)sounds. I still got that thing stuck in my mind! It was awful.

    Still, I enjoy the Hulk and I'm really glad I saw it in all his glory, and not in this pitiful state...

    Thanks Samuele!

  5. Why has Universal let Hulk get so dirty. Cmon now! Whip out some fresh paint! Show the coasters some love.

  6. Does anyone remember when it was last repainted.

  7. I don't think it has ever been repainted....
    Can anyone confirm this?

  8. If this keeps up, I think they should change the theme song to, "It's Not Easy Being Green"!

  9. it looks awful if it were me i'd repaint and sandblast the whole ride


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