Universal Studios update

Here you are a small update from US:

As usual, HRRR was not working properly:

See? Nobody was waiting in line:

And those people were certainly not having a party:

But speaking of party, there's a new street entertainment:

It's a beach party!:

Universal Studios was SO EMPTY!!! AND IT WAS SATURDAY!:

This is an exaggeration... I've always seen Universal empty, but not like this (especially on a Saturday, during summer and at around 3.30 P.M.):

Nice view:

Did you know that there is an abandoned building next to Woody Woodpecker's Nuthouse Coaster?
It used to be the world's LARGEST Hard Rock Cafe', until a bigger and newer one was finally built in CityWalk. I hope they will do something with it!!:

The water-slide in Fievel's playland has been reopened:

And that's all! See you next time!


  1. It's empty because everyone and their mother is at harry potter.

  2. Everyone's gone to Harry Potter

  3. where is the old psycho house,
    Do you no where it is.

  4. It has been moved elsewhere, but unfortunately I don't know where...

  5. The hard rock is quite cool to see in person like that. p.s.
    were there trees blocking the gate to hard rock?

  6. I agree that all the peeps are at Harry's.
    But I got a question cause is a bit of a contradiction.

    Did you feel cheated or like there something wrong when you see that small quantity of people there? I asked cause, I've only gone in July, and believe me I've never seen a park like that. Never! But even do the lines are sometimes morbidly long and I hate the wait times. The contradiction comes cause I get some satisfaction from seeing a lot of people there. I'm not by any means a people lover. Meaning normally I don't like people in large quantities, but at the parks when there packed is like their enthusiasm gets me more excited. What's your take?

  7. Interesting thought, Francisco. When there are big crowds, there is certainly that fun buzz in the air. Halloween Horror Nights is like that.

    But, if you want to hit up all the rides, multiple times, an empty day is so nice. Less stress, less rush, less wasted time. A perfect way to unwind with your "own" entertainment!

  8. Thanks for your reply mtjaws is appreciated. I get your point at first I didn't, about "your own entertainment". But with that said, yes I know when you go and is empty you can basically do as you please. Is just that I was more interested in that "buzz in the air".

    To anyone:
    So let me rephrase. What I mean is, to me at least if there isn't something to be lost of the experience is when there isn't that much people there. Let me give an example:
    I go to the movies a lot. A lot! So many times I go alone. I don't tried to go with anyone, I just go. Since it is at times when most people are working (or whatever), sometimes it happens that I'm the only one there. Yes, I'm the only one at that particular time, for that movie. Me personally don't enjoy it. I know some people may said ohh!, so it's better cause you had the hole theater to yourself. I don't agree with that. For me it's better when there are 20 or 30 people, not only me, but certainly not 300 either, as happens when you go on the weekend. So the first time I went to Expedition Everest it was it the high season the year it opened(2006). The queue was 2 hours at about 10 a.m.. So that I don't enjoy, I don't think anyone does. But still if someone ask me if I would enjoy more a 10 minute wait or a 30 minute wait I think I like it so there is some people around. I sometimes enjoy to hear what the other people at the ride are saying.

    Empty is nice, one of the best memories I had was in Typhoon Lagoon on the afternoon of a cloudy day, in which there wasn't almost anyone there, so we finish our slide got up and to the next. But I also remember a lot of nice memories of my trips, that involved some other people. Strangers.

    There was a little kid that came from P.R. like us in our same flight, who didn't knew how to speak that much, but kept saying Disney!, Disney! in this charming, childish tone it was enticing. We would laugh but we got excited about what was coming too. If I talk to my mom right now, and go Disney!, Disney! she'll remember that moment! Also there was this time at Atlantis (Seaworld)in which at one of the tunnels after getting wet, out of the rear seat a shout. It is really cold! In Portuguese I don't know the exact words cause I speak Spanish, not Portuguese, but I knew enough to understand that. It was really funny and we laugh, they saw us laughing, so they laugh. I don't think you get this kind of moments on your own, or alone for that matter.

  9. Thank you so much Francisco for sharing your really interesting stories! i know what you mean.

    Personally I LOVE when the parks are empty, because I feel they're all for me! And, speaking about this day I passed in universal Studios, it was one of the best. Especially on E.T.

    Indeed, I went on E.T. and there were like 40-50 people. Then it started raining, so they let us go to ride again. This time there were only 20 people. Then I rode again. And I had the whole car FOR MYSELF!!! It was great. All the action was for me! I loved it. I also love the attraction, that's why I rode it 8 consecutive times that day (the Team Members that worked there now know me, and call me by name!!!)

    But as you say, sometimes it's better when there are other people.
    I love when friends come to visit our parks and have never been there!! I like to see their expressions.


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