OOTL: Six Flags Great Adventure

Since Busch Gardens will be home of its 7th roller coaster and since a reader asked us informations about it, we thought about the rumor about a Six Flags in Florida.
To say the truth, I absolutely don't like those parks, because they look cheap, with just coasters, coasters and... coasters. But, what if our was going to be different, since there's a great number of top-rated theme parks in Orlando?

Let's analyze one of Six Flags' many parks, Six Flags Great Adventure in New Jersey:

Six Flags Great Adventure includes 13 thrilling roller coasters, such as El Toro, Kingda Ka, Nitro and The Dark Knight Coaster.   Fly through Bizarro's freeze vision, blast past bursts of fire breath, and race by bizarre illusions for a  multi-sensory ride experience that will launch you into a new dimension of thrill.

Six Flags Great Adventure also has four children areas including Wiggles World
Looney Tunes Seaport, Balin's Jungleland and Bugs Bunny National Park.  This summer, they'll host the STARBURST Concert Series and feature a nighttime parade, Glow in the Park.

Six Flags Wild Safari right next door is the largest drive-thru safari outside of Africa with more than 1,200 exotic animals from the farthest reaches of the globe.

Some pictures of the park (copyright of their respective sources):

You see??? It's all about coasters!!

But here's this week's poll:

Thanks for voting!!


  1. The first map you have is out of date. Batman and Robin: The Chiller was taken down a while ago

  2. Thanks for the notice, but as I said, I've never been there, so I'm sorry if something is a bit outdated...

  3. I've been to the Six Flags Darien Lake a couple times (used to live around there) and it really was a cheap park. I never had too much fun, because at the time I was deathly afraid of any type of coaster. Of course, that's changed now that I've been introducted to the thrill, but if you don't like roller coasters, you're out of luck.

  4. just to let you know six flags are not a cheap park a lot goes into them. For instance if you have ever Bine on Bizzaro Wich i know u have not. there is good themeing. another one is batman darkknight there is a good pre show and a well themed but terrible roller coaster.

    I am not saying six flags is better than Disney in no way it is to.

    It is a little like this six flags is for like hard core roller coaster people.but Disney does have good ride to but six flags is not like Disney and Disney is not like six flags


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