Yeti update

picture from

We have some news on Expedition Everest's Yeti, courtesy of Screamscape:

"A quick update on that Yeti construction I mentioned last week… scratch that… and delay it. It seems the reported screen to cover up the Yeti the other night was simply a “test” to see how it would look and it was taken down in less than 24 hours. According to the last report, the final Yeti room scene is back to running it’s typical dark room with strobe light effects version of the scene until they come back with the screen and begin working on it in the near future."

So, all our expectations and/or fears are gone. We'll have to wait a bit to see a decent, A-mode Yeti.
Sorry about that. But look at the positive side. You will see the yeti (even though it will be in B-mode) during your visit...

1 comment:

  1. Wow... that is a good news form my next journey to Orlando, with the menace of a total shutdown of the ride.
    I must be honest with you, I was able to see the Yeti just after see 4 times the video.
    When I ride the attraction it sun so fast that i didn't notice it!!!


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