Yeti under refurbishment

As many of you may know, the Yeti in the final part of Expedition Everest at Disney's Animal Kingdom has had a lot of problems, and many never got to see it fully working.

Here's the menacing Yeti we're talking about:

Well, now it seems that the Walt Disney World management is thinking about refreshing it.
Here's the news from Screamscape:

"Big news sent our way from Animal Kingdom by way of tree mail… it seems starting today riders on Expedition Everest will encounter something other than a Yeti at the finale. They’re encounter a large screen cover set up to block all view of the Yeti figure. Despite the fact that Memorial Day Weekend is coming soon, apparently this screen will be up in place until around mid-June while they attempt a minor rehab of the Yeti figure.
    I’m told that the plan is to try and restore some movement to the arm and head as a sort of half-way fix to restore it to closed to the full blown “A” show mode that hasn’t been seen in months. Apparently the only way the Yeti will ever get restored to full operational status is whenever the time comes to close down the ride complete for an extensive rehab that could take up to 6 months. Obviously WDW management has been in no hurry to do such a thing as the impact on the park would be huge. "

Can you imagine closing Expedition Everest for six months?? in Animal Kingdom, where there are almost NO RIDES??? Of course it would affect enormously the park's attendance..
But, what do you think? Have you ever seen the original movements of the Yeti? Did you miss them (of course, what a dumb question...)? Would you better see Expedition Everest closed during your visit knowing that next time you come here it will be great? Let's hope they fix it.

All pictures are copyright of The Walt Disney Company. All rights reserved.


  1. Samu... please... first you told me that Star tour will close 15 day before I come there, and now you tell me that maybe Expedition Everest will close maybe in October???? It's confirmed that or it's just a rumor???
    You wanna make me cry? ahahah!!!

  2. i have never missed it, you'r going to fast to see what he is doing

  3. They better not close it before October! It's going to my first trip and I will be so disappointed if it is closed.

  4. I saw it in A mode back in 2006. It's was really cool!
    Although i have to agree that i didn't saw that much of the Jeti. I saw a lot more Jeti in the Discovery Channel special. I look for him but when i saw it, puff, it was over. I was there in 2005 when there was a fence out and the mountain was up but they didn't had the scaffolds/pillar things cut out yet. I was dying to ride it! I had to go back to ride it in 2006. (Did a 2 hour queue! In mid July.) But i haven't seen it with the lights, cause i haven't been to AK since. So i can't really compare. But is good that they at least trying to do something. Isn't it?

  5. I just visited AK on the 22nd, rode Everest three times, did not see the yeti once. There was no wall and the strobe lights were going, but no yeti. I can't imagine I missed him all three times (though I wouldn't put it past myself, I guess). Is it possible they just removed him entirely to work on and left the ride running?

  6. I've seen both and my family didn't even notice it wasn't working at 100% until I told them. However to see it in all it's glory was really cool.


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