What about.. the pictures?

As you may have seen, now we are uploading much bigger and HQ pictures... that require more time to upload and to load. Please, vote here to help us know what you would like to see:

1) Pictures as they are right now (big in size and slow to load)

2) Smaller size, but always HQ

3) Big in size, but a bit less HQ (it WILL NOT affect a lot the quality, but we would go back to the 3Mb pictures, from the 5 Mb as of now).

Please, write in the comment section what you would like to see (just writing one of the three numbers or adding also comments, which would be even better..).

Thanks for helping us, and have a WONDER-FULL day!


  1. i think number 3 is fine.
    You are doing a awesome job already man!
    you dont have force yourself to do those extra work.

  2. nr 1 is great, it is not slower.

  3. Yep. numero uno (1). Unless it's too timeconsuming for You! (then it'll have to be no. 3)

  4. Big in size, but a bit less HQ
    Picture from 5 to 3 mb in compression are the best choose!!!

  5. I love the new pics! They are awesome so my vote would be for #1 unless it is more time consuming for you :-)

  6. I have a very high speed connection, so I would like to see #1! But maybe #3 would be more fair to everyone.

  7. I say 3 as Australia's internet seems like we are a third world country. I even have a high speed internet and your pictures go slow for me now and half of them never load now.

  8. Number 1. It's worth the wait


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