Australia coming to BG?

There is a new rumor regarding the new coaster that should open next year (I say should, because it hasn't been officially announced yet)... Indeed, here's the new article, courtesy as usual of Screamscape:
'Semi-Confirmed - (5/6/10) A rather extensive construction photo update has been posted to BGT Guide this week… pretty much all you need to know right is there in a photo. One thing that isn’t however… that new Kangaroo topiary that was near the stable area has, according to this update at RC Pro, been moved over to the Bird Gardens area. Is there a reason for this? First all those new little roo’s show up in Jambo Junction, then the topiary gets moved. Looking at the other two new topiaries that showed up at about the same time… we’ve still got the Cheetah and a Giraffe. We know a brand new safari tour depot was confirmed on those leaked blueprints and the Giraffe’s are a major part of the safari tours. This pretty much leaves the Cheetah as the icon clue for the new coaster, which has been rumored to have a cheetah related theme all along along with the trademark registration for “Cheetaka”, along with all those other Australian names. (Kangaloom, Kookaburra’s Nest, Walkabout Way). I’d say the long standing rumors about a new Australian themed animal area are also starting to hold water.'
So, what do you think? Do you see a new Australian area in an African-themed park?
Yes, in Australia they have lots of animals ans a desert like in Africa, but they are two completely different continents... Once again, is Australia actually going to take over near the safari area??
Please, tell us your opinions!
By the way, the logo at the begininning of this post is JUST FOR AN ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSE!
It's not anything confirmed, just yet...

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