New rumors... they seem endless!

Orlando parks have seen tons of rumors this year, and here you are some new ones from a WDWMagic Forum member, just to keep you busy:

"...apparently a new country will be coming to the World Showcase...and it's none of the ones we had hope for... Turkey. Why there would be a particular demand for that I'm not sure, but that's the rumor...

The other involves a rather extensive overhaul of a classic section of Hollywood Studios. The rumor is that the Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular's days may be numbered and that it will be replaced with a Star Wars themed restaurant and a new Star Wars show. Both of these are suppose to open right around the same time as Star Tours 2 in June of 2011.

Apparently there's also some more stuff coming to Magic Kingdom, but nothing specific was mentioned."

What???? Turkey? I like Turkey (I've been there just two years ago), but no, I wouldn't like to see it in Epcot!!
True, there's Istanbul with its big monuments and stuff, but in World Showcase? What do you think?

And what about the new Star Wars show? As much as many love the saga, I don't think they should expand the theme too much... These seem strange rumors, but remember... even the new Fantasyland was a rumor at first, so...


  1. Frankly, I'd love to see them get rid of Indy, since the show is long in the tooth. A Star Wars restaurant I can dig, but a show? Eh.

    They just need to give us an Indy ride and the restaurant. Sounds perfect to me.

  2. I would rather see South America represented. Brazil seems like a shoe-in.

    Indy could become Prince of Persia. Give it some cool effects and new scenery/costumes. Just think about it.


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