Astro Orbiter may blast off soon?

No, don't be scared (yet)! For now it's just a rumor.

It seems like Astro Orbiter will have to leave our galaxy sooner than we think...
Indeed, while i was talking with a cast member (a friend of us), he was telling me that he saw a map of Fantasyland expansion that he never saw before....

It is located in the underground section of MK (where all the cast member go), and it showed that Astro Orbiter was... gone!! They may reuse it for the double Dumbo ride...
But that's not all! He also said that the magic Carpet of Aladdin are going to stay!

That's strange in my opinion, because they are located in one of the busiest streets of magic Kingdom, and many (me too!) would like to see it in another location...

What do you think? Of course, I repeat that this is just a rumor for now!


  1. Keep the Orbiter, lose the carpets! The Astro Orbiter is more than just a ride, it's a kinetic sculpture! The Magic Carpets just get in the way.

  2. I can't see Disney repurposing an existing spinner for Dueling Dumbo's. All three spinners will be open during construction, that's final. Disney has the cash to build two new rides, they don't need to poach from another themed area.

  3. Well, even though they may have the sufficient funds (which the do!), you have to know that the WDW management has been stingy in the last few years...
    Some examples? The Trolleys and cars that were once found in Main Street are gone, Space Mountain has received less addition that were originally planned like the on-ride music, etc...).
    So, i wouldn't be surprised if something like this would occur..

  4. I don't see how, from a technical perspective, it would be possible. In this picture, I count more than 12 arms, which is what Astro Orbiter has:

    Now, that could be an incorrect model, but the current model has 16 arms. I can't see them going down to 12.

    A better rumor (that I might actually believe) would say that Dueling Dumbos will open with one side, and then they'd shut down the current Dumbo ride and move it into spot #2. That would make a lot more sense (and they did it with the Pooh Tree).

    You have a great site, but please do your research.

  5. Well, you did a good research, thanks, but remember that the image you sent is just a SKETCH of what may be the new dueling Dumbo. The project changed a few times.
    If you recall it, before Dueling Dumbos was going to be where Mickey's Toontown is now, while they changed its position (near the barnstormer), so everything could still change.
    Then REMEMBER THAT IS JUST A RUMOR, I DIDN'T INVENT IT... A real Cast Member said that to me, and he seemed sure of what he was saying... I repeated a few times "Are you sure...?", and he always said yes, so...

    About the rumor that they may reuse the current Dumbo, well, that's not a rumor anymore. It will be reused for the new DD...

    Thanks for telling us your opinion!

  6. They can't get rid of Astro Orbiter! It's the piece of TomorrowLand that keeps it together. If they get rid of it they might as well change Space mountain. TL would'nt look right without it. (plus what about the other 4 parks with Astro Orbiter. Do they have any rummors for those also?)


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