Stuck on Rhino Rally!

Do you remember that some days ago I mentioned that I had a particular experience on Rhino Rally at Busch Gardens? Well, it's an original story.

There was like a 45-minute wait because of course it was a busy day, as I said before.
After hopping on board, all was going well, until... we got stuck near a bridge!

You may say, "what's the big deal?".. Well, we were stuck near the alligator's poll, with the accelerator that was completely gone (so we couldn't move at all), and the black rhinos were loose!
You need to know that Black rhinos are very aggressive, so if they wanted to, they could have attacked us, destroying the rover we were on!!!

After, they put the rhinos and the alligators inside their places (pheew!!), but we were still stuck there.
We waited for 40 minutes or so (in the dark too, because it was 8.30 p.m.), but eventually they sent another truck that pulled us over the bridge, so we had to take a small ladder to get out of the ride and we began to walk to the station of the trucks.

Here are two brief videos (nothing exciting, just an overview of the place we stopped on):

To end the story, I really have to thank a lot Busch Gardens' cast members that had been really nice with us, and they not only allowed us to do the whole ride again, but they even gave us some front-of-the-line tickets for the ride, valid for our next visit to the park (because it was almost 9 P.M., and the park closed at 8 P.M.

That was my best safari ever, for sure!!

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