News on Busch Gardens' 2011 coaster

BGT Guide found out just today a brand-new permit regarding a project that will take place in the African section of the park.
Yeah, I know, saying "African section" I am being a bit too general, since Busch Gardens is all themed after Africa, but we don't have more detailed news as of today.
Here's the permit, courtesy of BGT Guide:
More detailed:
and if you click here, you will notice that the Skyride will be down for NEARBY CONSTRUCTION from June 1, 2010 through the rest of the year!
Even more evidence of the new coaster!
Stay tuned!


  1. Thanks for sharing Wow!! Really great news and it could be very cool and certainly would be really helpful to make many of sense and increase the flow of traveler around the park.

    Best Regards,


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