Walt Disney World new videos

Here you are some new videos from yesterday!
1) Tomorrowland Transit Authority on ride (part 1)
2) Tomorrowland Transit Authority on ride (part 2)
3) The Great Movie Ride VERY RARE scene!
4) EXPEDITION Everest Huge Drop
Thanks for viewing!


  1. Awww, I was sad to see that there was no video of TTA inside Space Mountain! I had already seen a video of the ride through while Space Mountain was undergoing refurbishment, but I was hoping to see what it was like now that it's done!
    Also, what was different about the cowboy scene in The Great Movie ride? Is it just that you had only seen the gangster scene every other time you rode? I know it's not likely if you've been on it many times, but I suppose it's possible!

  2. Hi, James! First of all thanks for posting a comment! I have to say that I love dark rides in general, including The Great Movie Ride, and I've been on it more than 15 times since I moved here, and I've never seen that scene. Never. Indeed, they do it only during busy times (like spring break, etc...), but very rarely, because of the cost of the gasoline (for the fire scene, which is great!)...
    That scene is much more impressive that the gangster scene, but also very rare. If you happened to see it, very well, but it was a special occasion... Every time we passed in front of the burnt bank, I always asked to myself what was used to happen there... and now I saw the scene in person!
    I hope I've explained myself!


  3. OK, I didn't know that they only used half of the trams for most of the year! Now that I think about it, I have seen the gangster scene more times than the cowboy... now I know why! I guess you're lucky -- at the same time you got to see this, all of the people in the tram behind you were stuck with the same old thing!

  4. You're right! The tram behind us saw the same gangster scene!! we were so lucky!! If you watched the video, you may have heard me saying: "I've never seen this scene!!)
    I was really excited!!
    I hope to see it again!

  5. Samuele i think I've seen it too. But really i don't have anything to compare it to. Since i go to Orlando in July. That was the only time i had free. So i guess that the parks are in full stride. Bringing all the marbles out.

    What else is different around parks that you know?

    Like fireworks I've heard they don't do those everyday. Like in July. Also that you get cheated on some rides since they're shortened to coped with the high volume of guests.


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