Universal Studios update

Welcome to a new Universal Studios update!
Here you are the pictures:

Let's begin with some photos of Citywalk:

Nothing new, of course

I love this view!:

And now, let's go inside Universal Studios!:

The Monsters Cafe WAS OPEN for the first time after many months!!
Enjoy the pictures of it:

And now.. DISASTER! is still closed, and I've heard from a Team Member that all the effects inside the ride are being enhanced. So, we'll see!

I Tried to call this number (with 407 at the beginning) but it said that the area code was wrong... If you happen to discover it, please tell me!! Thanks!

Jaws had actually a longer wait time... (luckily I have EXPRESS after 4.00 pm, and it's great!):


Men in Black:

I hope they change this horrible show:

Again, Men in Black:

Before there was something I don't remember:

And now, enjoy yourselves with some poor-placement of the Sushi sign:

That's it for now! See you soon!


  1. As always, GREAT updates and a special thanks for the Monsters Cafe update and pics!

  2. The 555 number is a fictional number. There are no 555 prefixes anywhere in the US, which is why almost every TV show and movie use phone numbers with the 555 prefix in them.

  3. Haha The sushi sign needs to be placed on the outside ring. What do you mean, nothing new in citywalk? How about the Fat Tuesday place. And I particularly liked the Fear Factor show.

  4. To Anonymous:
    When I said nothing new, I was talking comparing this Citywalk update with the last one (a week ago), and nothing changed in a week..
    And I know that everybody has his/her own opinion, but I'd rather get rid of a show that makes visitors sick and that very few enjoy...
    Since the first (and only) time I saw it, I HATED it.
    But again, personal opinion ;)


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