Give a day, get.... NOTHING!

Yes, unfortunately the "Give a day, get a Disney day" campaign has officially ended today.
The Walt Disney Company announced it because they reached their goal of one million volunteers in just 10 weeks or so!
So, no more free tickets if you didn't participate.
That is strange if you ask me, because usually Disney makes campaigns that last the whole year..
Not this time.
Thanks to Screamscape, we were able to read this article on the Orlando Sentinel:
Of course, the article states that: "Volunteers who signed up have until Dec. 15 to redeem their one-day, one-park tickets, though the passes have certain blackout dates".
Also,Walt Disney Parks and Resorts Chairman Tom Staggs in a prepared statement said: “By any measure, the ‘Give a Day, Get a Disney Day’ program exceeded our expectations...”
So, on one hand that's a very good thing, but on the other hand, if you want to enter the parks for free, well, you'll have to wait until the next "get-a-free-ticket" campaign!

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