What about a third Universal park??

WARNING! This is pure speculation!!

Yesterday, I was thinking about this:

Walt Disney World has 7 parks (4 theme parks, 2 water-parks and 1 sports complex); Seaworld has 5 parks (3 theme parks, 2 water-parks) and Universal... has only 3 parks(2 theme parks and 1 water-park)!

So, isn't this the time to expand the already biggest Universal resort?

Indeed, if you examine the situation, Universal has the minor influence on Orlando (we can't talk about Legoland because they haven't opened yet, and they are already thinking about expanding already!!), causing it to be the smallest resort in Orlando (this doesn't mean that is not visited!)

The new theme park could be a mix of both Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure in my opinion, but with different themes and attractions, of course! It could be also more focused on families (but with some coasters too, don't worry)...

But here there are the most difficult questions:

  • Do they have the money, even thought they've spent a lot with the new WW?
  • Do they have the space??

Look at the second question. They don't have much space unfortunately.

Indeed, take a look at this map of Universal's property (the land inside the blue line):

As you can see they don't have land where to build it, unless they decide not to build the proposed hotel (the apartment are already being built...)

So, what are your thoughts? Would you like another Universal theme park? Or would you rather see them building a new water-park that replaces Wet 'n' Wild? Tell us your opinion! Thanks and have a good week end!!

1 comment:

  1. I think they definitely could do it. With all the $$$ they'll make off of HP, it should be no problem at all. Hardcore fans will have no problem shelling out tons of money on merch, not to mention to price of the ticket. So I don't think money will be an issue.
    I'd love another park. How cool would that be?


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