WDW's Epcot update (with a glimpse on LWTL new boats!)

Here you are a new Epcot Update! Enjoy!

Spaceship Earth:

The old descent, never finished:

The Sum of All Thrills:

The home of Tomorrow is still closed...

This is going to take a loooong time... we've been waiting for ages!!
Other works at Innoventions EAST:

Works on the monorail pillars:

The old "Wonders of Life" pavilion:

here, there was the sign of the entrance to the Wonders of Life pavilion...

The Most Dangerous Disney attraction ever. DON'T GO ON IT.

they're repainting the monorail track...


Works in Mexico:

Works in China:

Works in Italy:

And now, some pictures of the new boats at Living with the Land:

as you can see, they're very similar to the old ones...

but they're absolutely brand-new

It's scheduled to open tomorrow, with some enhancements to the ride! I'll go and check it out for you!

They're preparing the ground for the Flower and garden festival! I Can't Wait for it!

See you tomorrow!


  1. Why is mission space disney's most deadly ride. The people who died on it shouldn't if been on it as they had health problems.

  2. Noooo Samuele, Mission Space is one of my favorite. I understand that if a person is not in perfect fiscal health and it's subject to that huge pressure, well maybe could be dangerous!

    Compliment for the fantastic picture!!

  3. Excuse me but I can't understand what ar the picture n° 4 and 5! can you enplane me please???

  4. Ok, I'll answer to both questions:

    MISSION:Space has always been the black sheep of WDW, because A LOT (really, a lot) of people have had problems after getting on it, without counting the persons that died there!! I personally know one friend of mine that rode it in the morning (empty stomach) and he had all the rest of his day RUINED!!! THAT IS NOT A GOOD DISNEY attraction if you ask me. But don't get me wrong Bigfoot, if you like it it's ok... maybe you didn't find it so bad (by the way, did you go on the orange team?)

    SPACESHIP EARTH: the two photos that are a little bit unclear are referred to the last part of Spaceship Earth (the WONDERFUL dark-ride) that has been sitting there incomplete since mid-2008! Indeed, there was a little city and other audio-animatronics in that area, while now it's all black...

    I hope to have answered to all your doubts. If you have any other questions, PLEASE ASK ME! I'm pleased to see that some people are really interested to my updates!! THANKS A LOT!!

  5. I've never been on Mission Space, but I've heard from my friends that they've all gotten sick from it. A friend of my brother's went on and closed his eyes, and when he came out he could barely stand....and others have just not felt right for the rest of the day.

  6. That's the worst thing you can do on MISSION:Space, because you MUST NOT close your eyes!
    By the way Marina, I strongly suggest you NOT to ride it, but then, it's your personal choice... Thanks for writing!

  7. Thanks Samuele for the answer!!!
    So those are two picture taken from the back downhill at the end of the track when you could create you personal future house, right???

    Personally I really like the thrills attraction so i can't try it and I really enjoy it!!!
    If i don't go wrong I remember that there are 3 level of gravity force simulation so if you are a bit scared (like my wife) you can try to start from the base level.
    if you suffer of carsick, don't try it or if you wanna try take a bit of xamamin!

    So thank Samule for the wonderful picture!!!

  8. QUOTE:"So those are two picture taken from the back downhill at the end of the track when you could create you personal future house, right??"

    Yes, you're right! Unfortunately it's still unfinished...

  9. i went with my family of 12 people: mom and dad(64), my brother(45), my other brother(39) and his wife and three children(15, 12, 8)meself husband and my children(10,7) we all had fun on mission space! in fact it is my and my husband favorite ride beside the yeti rollacoater! no one in our group had amy problems with feeling sick, we think of it as a over grown gravitron with movie effects....

  10. I love roller coasters and trilling rides. I'm not scare of them, they don't make me sick at all. I could go on them ride them exit and then do it again no problem. I'm a healthy and all.

    But i went on Mission Space the 1st time, yeah in the claustrophobic little cockpit (witch i don't think no one has mention)and i said i wasn't getting on it ever again. Then a year later went again with someone who haven't ridden it yet. Reminded me why.

    Noooooo thank you can keep it!!!

  11. I was at Epcot this exact day. So cool!!!


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