Video of Summer Nightastic's announcement

Here you are a video of the new enhancements coming to WDW this summer! Enjoy!

Thanks to WDWnewstoday!

Video from WDWnewstoday on Vimeo.


  1. The video didn't show up for me

    :( I bet it's beautiful though.
    BTW, check out this article from Mugglenet:
    Kind of interesting, but not surprising. I know someone who is friends with a lady who works in Universal and she said the new employees specific to that section of the park are supposed to come in in late March. Now that of course could just be rumor, but she works it could be true...
    But the opening without Hogwarts? Kinda lame. But I guess maybe that'll keep away some of the extra crowd and it won't be so insane :)

  2. Thanks a lot Marina for the news!!! Many people are requesting an IOA update (many rehabs going on!), and I'm trying to schedule it, but in this period I'm really really busy because a friend of ours just came from Europe and of course I have to be the guide in the theme parks and the other attractions! But I'll see what I can do. Thanks a lot again, but don't you think that late-march is still a bit too early? Indeed, even thought they seem to have finished with the exterior work, they have to work on the interior of all the shops and the restaurant... Well, we'll see!

  3. I LOVE this and it is great for everybody. Seasonal AP holders will get to see them as well. I am truly excited about the main street electrical parade returning; this is one of my favorite parades ever. I like Spectromagic, but LOVE the MSEP.

    Best Regards,

  4. Yes, I think it is a bit early. But I think they are coming in to rehearse/prepare.
    Take this with a grain of salt: the lady I know said that the Forbidden Journey ride will either have 40 people to a vehicle, or 40 shakey info, but it's a possibility. Guess we won't truly know until more info is released!
    Going to Universal tomorrow, actually. Seeing Heart :)

  5. Marina, since you're going tomorrow, if you'd like to share any news, I will really appreciate it!! Have fun! (P.S. Tomorrow it will be COOOLD!!)

  6. I'll definitely take a look and tell you if I see anything---I'm unsure if I'm heading over to IOA though. We're leaving in the afternoon, and I've never been to the original Universal park, so my we may just check that out...though I am DYING to see the construction in person.
    And I know...not looking forward to that XP Thanks for the heads up though.

  7. Nothing new at IOA, really. Ripsaw was working...and some people were actually riding it in 40 degree weather!!! Jurassic Park was closed, but the rest of the JP attractions were open except for one of the restaraunts.
    I didn't see any new construction on HP, but I didn't have a long time to look as I was with other people who didn't have much patience for staring at it for minutes on end. I did meet the people who are organizing Infinitus at the entrance to Hogsmeade though, and that was really fun!

  8. I thank you so much Marina! I even posted an update about your comment! Thanks for sharing!


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